SPARTA Hybrid Wellbeing Activity Week
History Society Lecture
Roman Britain's Missing Legion
Tuesday, 14 December 2021
12:30 – 14:00
Room LG1, GMH or Online
Legio IX Hispana had a long and active history, one of the key legions during the various campaigns of conquest in Britain and later founding York, from where it guarded the northern frontiers in Britain. But the last evidence for its existence in Britain comes from AD 108 in York, after which it completely vanishes from history.
The mystery of its disappearance has inspired debate and imagination for decades, for example with Rosemary Sutclliffe’s bestselling Eagle of the Ninth and subsequent Hollywood blockbusters. Here, historian and broadcaster Dr Simon Elliott considers the evidence for four of the theories, and other possibilities, regarding its fate, all based on his new bestselling book
Enjoy this lunchtime lecture as part of the activities on offer during SPARTA's week of Hybrid Activities. Book your tickets now by clicking on the button below.