Do you draw? Paint? Visit galleries? Interested in art and want to learn from others? Or share your own skills and ideas?
From beginners to expert, all are welcome at the 2 Marsham St art club. We meet (Covid permitting) on an ad hoc basis for relaxing lunchtime drawing and occasional evening printmaking. It’s free, but we charge a small fee for any materials used.
Outside visits
We’ve been to the Tate Modern, Royal Academy, Whitechapel, 2 Temple Place, Chelsea College, and Frieze sculpture over the last year. And if you don’t know by now, Tate Britain is only 5 minutes’ walk away from Marsham St.
Get in touch
We would love to hear from you if you want to get on the mailing list, get involved, just find out what’s going on, or have ideas to share for new art club activities.