SPARTA Sport and Wellbeing Day 2024
2nd August 2024
The athletics programme at Sport and Wellbeing day starts at 13.30.
Entry for the athletics events is open on the day. Please report to the officials tent to enter
Athletics Timetable

The records for the athletics events at sports day date back some time now. They are:
Men Women
H Sanders 10.9s 1983 100m F Harding 12.5s 1986
R Lyston 22.2s 1978 200m K Hayter 27.0s 1988
D Cropper 52.9s 1981 400m M Cooke 63.1s 1993
R Middleton & P Kirbey 1.58.7 800m
D Holt 4.01.02 1973 1500m
C Sutherland 6.64m 1972 Long Jump T Swift 4.66m 1996
K Lyston 1.80m 1978 High Jump E Ascough 1.35m 1979
W Robertson 12.19m 1973 Shot Putt G Achille 12.52m 1986
T Lalley 40.65m 1985 Discus Throw G Achille 32.66m 1987